Videos for anxiety and depression

Sometimes life just gets too … everything. Anxiety is a huge battle for many AUDers, so we thought you might want to listen to and watch these videos if this is part of your journey. As always, please add your own suggestions in the comments.        

Videos for inspiration and motivation

Inspiration and motivation come from different things for different people. We’ve added some videos here that we liked, but please feel free to add your suggestions in the comments.                                      

Chat rooms

We found this interesting Reddit chat room (online forum) and thought we wanted to share it with you. It is on Reddit and is called “Stop Drinking”. Go and have a look and tell us what you thought about it. Also feel free to add links to other online communities / forums / chat rooms…

1 year sober and fighting cancer

Blog name and link: “Writing my way sober” Their description one woman’s attempt to stay sane and sober through writing Extract from one of their blog posts: I remember sitting in my car the day I read the x-ray report that contained the word “metastatic”. i remember thinking “what have I done? dear god,…

Any Suggestions?

This is EVERYONE’s post! If you know of any AUD blogs that have inspired you, given you strength, given you understanding or even helped you understand your own struggles better, please share your links and tell us why this is a helpful blog in the comments to this post. We’ll have a look and start…

Blogs of AUDers

Here you’ll find blogs of fellow AUDers (= alcoholics). We’ll add to these as we go along – so keep your eye on this page. Oh, and if you want to, please add comments on the “Any Suggestions?” post. We’ll have a look and start adding some of those to this page. Please note: We’re…

Family & Friends blogs

These are blogs by family, friends and colleagues of alcoholics. The Immortal Alcoholic “Details the effect of being a non-alcoholic person married to an end-stage alcoholic. Frustrations, trials, tribulation… and yet… there is comedy hidden in the insanity. This blog also provides useful insight and facts concerning the complexities of conflicting information.”