Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong … TED talk

Found this AMAZING YouTube Ted talk. You need to watch this, whether you are an addict, or a family member/friend/colleague of an addict. He is speaking from the point of view of an addict’s family member. But what does this video mean to you as an addict? I think it means – (re)discover your dreams…

Videos & AUD

Here are some ideas for videos that could help you get through those very important 24 hours today. Some of these will inform, some will inspire, some will give you some handy tips. Please add some suggestions of your own in the comments.          

Videos for anxiety and depression

Sometimes life just gets too … everything. Anxiety is a huge battle for many AUDers, so we thought you might want to listen to and watch these videos if this is part of your journey. As always, please add your own suggestions in the comments.        

Videos for inspiration and motivation

Inspiration and motivation come from different things for different people. We’ve added some videos here that we liked, but please feel free to add your suggestions in the comments.